From maintenance to mileage: how building data can keep us on track

The genius of a car dashboard lies in its simplicity. Despite the ever-increasing complexity of technology it operates on, it provides only the essential information to help us reach a destination safely, efficiently and very importantly…on time!!

Reaching sustainability goals in commercial real estate is very similar. If the responsible people don’t have key information to measure progress, evaluate performance and allocate resources, then the destination may not be reached, not to mention getting there on time.

Fuelling our building’s success with the right information

When driving a car, the person responsible needs to know if there is enough fuel to reach the destination, if maintenance is needed and if we’ll make it to our destination without too many issues. It wouldn’t make sense if that information were only provided to the mechanic, leaving the driver clueless.

The same goes for our buildings. Unfortunately, key information is inaccessible to those responsible for sustainability goals in many organisations. They cannot measure progress effectively, and they don’t have the right levers available to influence change as may be required. By taking advantage of valuable operating data available within our buildings and translating it into clear, insightful information, we put ourselves in the position to achieve and maintain targets.

Measuring progress and driving towards sustainability

Measuring performance doesn’t have to get too technical. Firstly, we must understand the core function of a building, the provision of a comfortable and productive environment. Secondly, we need a means of measuring how efficiently and sustainably that is being achieved. 

It is similar to measuring financial performance when you are not an accountant. Profit is the goal, and your financial accounts set out the key metrics that allow you to assess how well you are doing and what can be improved.

The information and insights into performance show us where to find optimisation opportunities, help us identify areas of inefficiency and discover recommendations for improvement. This makes all the difference in reaching our targets. It allows us to proactively address energy waste, reduce operating costs, and enhance the overall sustainability of the properties in our portfolio.

Having the right tools, analysis, and information can empower us to succeed. Ready to get your first insights today? Calculate energy performance, compare to benchmarks and unlock potential savings.

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