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The future of sustainable buildings: the role of ISO 52120 in building energy management
A few years back, the International Organisation for Standards began providing a methodology for ranking a Building Energy Management System’s performance, which is crucial to optimising energy efficiency. It was developed as a European Standard as part of the European Union’s response to its climate change commitment and is now often seen as a significant guideline for assessing energy management, monitoring, and more. And this is why. Read more >
The three pillars of zero-emissions buildings, according to the U.S. Department of Energy

The U.S. Department of Energy has introduced a standardised, verifiable basis for defining a zero-emissions building. The first part of this definition, focusing on Operating Emissions, outlines three fundamental criteria that are crucial for a building to be considered a zero-emissions building:

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How you can get big results with little data

Ever used or heard of Shazam? When you hear a song you like and get curious about the title, Shazam will take a small piece of information and analyse it to tell you exactly what music is playing around you, including the name of the songs, the lyrics, the artist - and more.

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Bridging the gap between those setting the sails and those steering the ship

Transparent, tangible information can be powerful in the hands of those with the responsibility and resources to implement change. The right information, paired with the right knowledge and expertise, becomes valuable insight. 

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Do offsetting schemes lead to false carbon neutrality?

In an era where the threat of climate change looms over us like a dark cloud, we must take responsibility for our role in carbon emissions. However, the term "carbon-neutral" has become a buzzword that is often misused by companies looking to appear environmentally conscious without actually making significant reductions in their emissions. Some might call it a greenwashing tactic - but we wouldn’t dare be that bold.

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Why having too much information is not efficient

We’ve all heard variations of the expression: “Too close to the wood to see the trees”. It’s where you’ve gotten so deep into the detail that you have lost sight of the bigger picture. Or to put it another way – you have so much information, that you have no idea what to do with it.

It can be very easy to find ourselves in that place with building performance data. There is so much a building can tell us, with all of the data that technology makes available. But the question you need to ask yourself is – which information do you really need?

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The Performance Gap: bridging the divide between building design and energy consumption

Imagine this scenario: You have just bought yourself the latest Tesla 208 Cd, which is built for speed, endurance, and range with its improved aerodynamics and wider chassis. 

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The 3 R’s of energy waste: Reduce, Recycle, Report

Recycling is part of our lives from the moment we’re born. Plastic goes into one bin, while green waste goes into another. Old clothes are donated, and shopping bags are reused. Though we might not have been consciously raised with the 3Rs of waste management—Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse—we apply them daily.

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Achieving sustainability goals in a multi-tenant office building

Ever met a child who didn’t want to win a competition, or even just be the best at something they love? That winner-driven mentality has stuck with most adults you see around you - possibly yourself included. Our competitive instincts can be traced back to our early ancestors, who had to compete for food, shelter and everything needed to survive. You could say that the desire to win runs in our DNA.

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How performance monitoring KPIs influence the net-zero targets and financial viability of our buildings

Even before investing in renewables or upgrades, you want to make sure your building uses its energy efficiently and without waste. Something as simple as the data from heating and cooling systems allows us to identify energy-saving opportunities, leading to energy efficiency. An effective way to accomplish energy efficiency is through data collection, which allows you to set KPIs and gain valuable insights into energy consumption patterns. 

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From maintenance to mileage: how building data can keep us on track

The genius of a car dashboard lies in its simplicity. Despite the ever-increasing complexity of technology it operates on, it provides only the essential information to help us reach a destination safely, efficiently and very importantly…on time!!

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Why energy efficiency initiatives should be a top priority in decarbonisation

It seems a quick fix: spending large budgets on renewables, digital twins, and high-tech devices to reach net-zero targets. And yet, it won’t fix a thing. Because if most of the energy generated by these renewable resources goes wasted, we only make progress on paper. 

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How understanding EUI can transform your building’s performance

One of the most powerful tools in the pursuit of energy efficiency in commercial buildings is the Energy Use Intensity (EUI) metric. This standardised benchmark provides invaluable insights into a building's energy usage and is essential for achieving decarbonisation goals. Let's delve into what EUI is and why it plays such a crucial role.

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The ripple effect of ESG on the future of our buildings

The Emerging Trends Europe survey showed that 9 in 10 commercial property investors believe running an environmentally and socially sustainable business is the most crucial factor for a successful organisational transformation within the real estate industry by 2050. 

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