Why energy efficiency initiatives should be a top priority in decarbonisation
It seems a quick fix: spending large budgets on renewables, digital twins, and high-tech devices to reach net-zero targets. And yet, it won’t fix a thing. Because if most of the energy generated by these renewable resources goes wasted, we only make progress on paper.
If we prioritise energy efficiency and reduce wasted energy, we can prevent all of the above. Installing occupancy counters, CO2 monitors, thermostats, and others is quick and painless. With a bit of luck, after six months of information collection, we can see the first energy leaks in our buildings. And once we find the leaks, we can fix them.
From cutting waste to more sustainable buildings
Knowing how our buildings perform sounds like the most logical thing there is, and yet most of us have very little understanding of what is happening in our buildings. Building Managers tend to be too close to the action, and sustainability managers and executives too far removed. Both parties need clear information on how the buildings are performing so they can communicate and contribute effectively toward decarbonisation.
Think about the basics. We provide lighting, heating, cooling, and ventilation to achieve comfortable and productive spaces for people. It sounds obvious, I know, but any time any of those services are provided when there are fewer occupants than the systems were designed to operate for (lower occupancy, weekends, holidays etc.), energy gets wasted. That’s our first energy leak right there.
When your systems provide what is needed when it is needed, we achieve higher levels of operational efficiency, lower expenses, and more sustainable building operations. And that’s our first leak fixed. The savings achieved through lower energy bills can help offset the initial investment in energy-efficient technologies.
Knowledge is power
With quick implementation, the shortest paybacks, and the lowest embodied carbon, monitored energy efficiency initiatives are highly effective in reducing carbon emissions and driving sustainable change. An overview with all the information about possible issues, waste points, or underperforming systems within your buildings is your main tool for setting and reaching net-zero targets and maintaining energy-efficient buildings.
With the right information, you can make easier, faster and more effective decisions about how energy is being used. Make your first improvements within six months.